Celebrate Freedom Week

celebrate freedom week graphic

The U.S. Constitution was signed on Sept. 17, 1787, in Philadelphia by the 39 delegates who attended the Constitutional Convention.

Celebrate Freedom Week is observed in all RISD schools during the week of Sept. 17 to educate students and highlight the values and ideals on which the United States was founded, as well as the sacrifices that were made for freedom in the founding of the country, according to the Texas Education Agency.

In third grade through senior year, RISD students learn about the intent, meaning, and importance of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights. Students also examine the relationship between the ideas in these documents and subsequent American history. Students in kindergarten through second grade learn about the flag, The Pledge of Allegiance, and The Star-Spangled Banner.

The study of the Declaration of Independence includes the relationship of its ideas to the rich diversity of our people as a nation of immigrants; the American Revolution; the formulation of the Constitution; the abolitionist movement; the Emancipation Proclamation; and the women’s suffrage movement.

Part of being a responsible U.S. citizen is to understand the founding documents of the country and how these documents influence daily life. It is also essential to recognize the importance of every American’s role in the formation of a responsible government, as well as knowing how individual rights are protected by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

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