The RISD Council of PTAs recognized some of its angel members at the monthly delegate meeting at Berkner. These RISD community members have joined multiple school PTAs this year as part of the Council’s “Marni’s Angels” membership campaign.
Marni Kaner, who sadly died of breast cancer in September 2020, turned her attention to the PTA after her teaching career and served at every level of PTA in the 20 years before her passing. She was a dedicated and passionate PTA member not just within RISD but at the state and national level, as well. In 2016, after a term as president of the RISD Council of PTAs, she received a National PTA Lifetime Achievement Award. Marni was the Texas PTAs Vice President of Membership and a driving force in Richardson ISD having one of the largest memberships in the state. The Texas PTA has named its faculty scholarship award in her honor.
The RISD Council of PTAs honors her legacy with its “Marni’s Angels” membership campaign. This year, nearly 100 RISD community members have already joined. Click here to join the RISD PTA and support public education.
At the Oct. 7 delegate meeting, Dr. Matthew Gibbins, RISD Chief Executive Director of Student Services, provided the PTA members with an overview of what his department does for students and families in the district. He also discussed the move to the new Network of Community Ministries facility, and how it positions his team to better provide support that allows administrators and teachers to focus on student achievement and academic excellence.
The Lake Highlands High School JROTC was on hand to lead the pledges.
#RISDGreatness #RISDPowerOfLove #YouCanPTA