Network Infrastructure & Security

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Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
BYOD is available in RISD. Students choosing to bring their own device must abide by the guidelines outlined in the Student & Parent Guidebook, as well as campus expectations.
RISD offers a BYOD Network (RISDGUEST). Any student or staff member who has Active Directory login credentials, may connect their personal device to this network. The RISDGUEST network is also subject to the district filter.
The RISD Network does extend outside district buildings, mainly in the playground (if applicable) and bus drop off/pick up areas. District and BYOD devices can connect, if they are within approximately 100 feet.
Content Filtering
- Traditional category-based filtering.
- The application type, such as file transfer, online gaming, or social media.
- Controls for more granular control over some web sites.
- Attempted upload of specific file types.
- Enforcing safe-search options for major search engines. Note: the search engine provider determines what is ‘safe.’
- Enforcing YouTube’s Restricted Mode, which blocks access to videos designated by YouTube as inappropriate.’ Staff can override the restriction for individual videos needed to meet the instructional goal.
- Applying different levels of access to different groups of users. All web access is logged and can be viewed as necessary.
Cybersecurity & Data Privacy
RISD prioritizes keeping students and staff safe online, including protecting their personal information.
District staff participate in annual cybersecurity compliance training to ensure best practices and habits are adopted in fulfilling their professional responsibilities.
Students participate in monthly digital citizenship lessons to build positive practices around digital citizenship, literacy, data privacy, and cyber-safety. For more information, visit the Instructional Technology page.
To support and model positive cyber-safe practices, visit the links below.
Federal Laws governing student data practices
Student Data Privacy
If your RISD student needs wifi at home, please contact the campus for guidance on requesting one.