Prevention Programming
The Fentanyl Factor

Free Event Hosted by Richardson ISD and The Grant Halliburton Foundation
In an effort to provide information to parents and students about the lethal dangers posed by the drug fentanyl and the increase in fentanyl poisonings in North Texas, RISD is sponsoring a screening and discussion of “The Fentanyl Factor” on May 2 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The 18-minute documentary highlights the increase of accidental overdose deaths due to the mixing or lacing of fentanyl with other substances. The film will be followed by a Q&A with local experts. Both the film and discussion are appropriate for parents and teens.

RISD Prevention Programming seeks to provide districtwide comprehensive, evidence based, drug and violence prevention programming (K-12) in order to increase protective factors and reduce risk factors in children and youth. Focus areas of prevention include: bullying/cyberbullying, youth violence, drug use/abuse, dating violence, human trafficking and other non-academic barriers to student success.
The Prevention Framework includes the following strategies:
- Build and strengthen life skills
- Connect students to caring adults and activities: provide opportunities to interact with prosocial and non-violent peers
- Intervene to lessen harm and prevent future risks
- Promote positive learning environments
The goals of the Prevention Programming are to:
- Prevent alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use through education
- Promote healthy and safe life choices
- Teach and model conflict management skills
- Develop community partnerships
- Provide a referral and support system
Targeted Coordination of Services & Supports:
- Prevention and intervention for students through education
- Drug and violence prevention programs for students, staff, parents and community
- Anti-bullying education/training
- Coordinate with other Student Services departments
- Curriculum based Student Support Groups
- Red Ribbon Drug Awareness Week Coordination
- Prevention Resources and Referrals for Students and Parents
Prevention tips for parents
- Start talking to children early
- Pay attention to their environment
- Be involved in their activities
- Set clear rules, boundaries and consequences

Contact Us
For more information about the Prevention Programming program, contact Suzanne Tsatsoulas at or at 469-593-9119.