Course Progression
Richardson ISD serves and prepares all students for their global future. RISD school counselors and staff provide valuable insight and guidance in helping students and families make informed decisions concerning programs and course choices.
Elementary students follow grade-level core academics, including fine arts and physical education. For accelerated course options at the elementary level, parents may contact the school counselor and the advanced academic department.
Junior High
Course choices are expanded at the junior high level to include a broader range of fine arts, athletics, and world languages in addition to reading language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. RISD Program of Studies Handbook provides specific descriptions of instructional programs, course information, grading guidelines, and other academically related district policies and guidelines. RISD Curriculum and Instruction created the following videos that explain junior high course sequencing.
Junior High Course Sequencing Videos:
High School
RISD high schools offer a wide range of courses that support growth in all academic areas, including opportunities for advanced academics coursework and career and technical education and that are aligned to state graduation requirements. The RISD Program of Studies Handbook provides specific descriptions of instructional programs, course information, grading guidelines, and other academically related district policies and guidelines. RISD Curriculum and Instruction created the following videos that explain high course sequencing.