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Strategy & Engagement

Richardson ISD will create opportunities to ensure engagement with community members in RISD


Student getting a backpack from Tabitha Branum

Richardson ISD will create opportunities to ensure engagement with community members in RISD.  We will do this through:

  • Creating reciprocal pathways for families to increase and deepen engagement.
  • Providing specific and intentional activities where residents within the boundaries of RISD can discover, utilize, support and advocate for RISD.
  • Creating meaningful engagement opportunities that meet both the needs and mission of the school community and business/organizations.
  • Implementing a partner-focused model within the district with an emphasis on community engagement relevant to the needs and assets of each campus.

District Profile

Students working on project

Read more about the following information:


Media Relations

We assist the departments, programs and campuses with news media interaction related to RISD news, events and activities, and in responding to news outlet inquiries.


The Strategy & Engagement department produces internal and external publications including district newsletters.

Mass Notifications

RISD's automated parent notification system for important announcements, attendance information, and/or emergency communications.

Translation and Interpretation Services

Offers a range of different solutions for the successful delivery of high-quality translation and interpretation services across the district.

Print Services

Provides quality print services in a timely, cost effective manner for campuses, departments, and district partners.

Partners & Volunteers

The Strategy & Engagement department facilitates partnerships and volunteers to assist programs and schools, including matching available resources with needs.

Graphic Design

Design services are provided across the district which include branding guidelines, logo design, marketing collateral (flyers, posters, signage), and more.

Social Media

Manages RISD presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. These pages inform and engage stakeholders.

Peachjar Flyers

Richardson ISD relies on Peachjar's digital flyer management solution to deliver important school and community resources.


The TalkingPoints platform connects families and schools through a easy-to-use platform that allows them to engage in instant two-way communication via text message.

Video Production

Production of internal and external videos for district promotional, informational, and training purposes.

Event Management

Plans and implements district events, such as program launches and employee/staff recognition efforts.

Web Services

Provides internal and external web solutions to help campuses, departments and programs connect with the district’s students, parents, community, and staff.

Mobile Parent App

RISD Mobile app
  • Access student information
  • View the latest news
  • Receive important alerts
  • Review archive of parent messages sent by RISD
  • View school menus and lunch account balances
  • Find your bus stop
  • Access student schedules, assignment grades, attendance and more

Community News

Community News is RISD’s award-winning electronic community newsletter that covers RISD students, news, events, schedules and information in a quick and efficient format delivered right to your inbox – free!

Connect Magazine

Some documents may contain content that is not accessible to all readers. To obtain assistance accessing these documents, please contact RISD’s Office of Strategy and Engagement at 469-593-0301.

Contact Us

Dr. Melissa Heller

Dr. Melissa Heller

Assistant Superintendent
of Strategy and Engagement

Tim Clark

Tim Clark

Executive Director of Communications
Sonya Parker Goode

Sonya Parker Goode

Director of Community Engagement

Cameka Crawford

Cameka Crawford

President of The Richardson ISD Foundation


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