Board Meetings

Regular meetings are held at 6 p.m. in the RISD Administration Building, 400 S. Greenville Ave. in Richardson. Special meetings may be held with public notice. 

All regular board meetings are public meetings under the Texas Open Meetings Act, however portions of the meetings may, under Texas law, be closed to the public.

Comments are welcomed during the visitors section of the meeting. To address the board during either of the two visitors sections, please fill out a card found in the foyer and return it to the designated box. Board actions are limited to agenda items and board members may not engage in dialogue with visitors.

A typical board meeting includes:

  • Special recognition of students and staff
  • Information items
  • Action items
  • Consent/confirmation items
  • Visitors sections

Interpretation Services

Spanish Interpretation services are available in person and during live streams of Richardson ISD Regular Board meetings and Work Sessions.