Go Vote

Voting is one of the most important rights maintained as American citizens. It is an opportunity that past and present generations have fought to preserve. Exercising that privilege is a guaranteed way to ensure your voice is heard in governmental matters.
Important in-person voting information
Forms of approved photo ID are:
- Texas driver license issued by the Department of Public Safety (DPS)
- Texas election identification certificate issued by DPS
- Texas personal identification card issued by DPS
- Texas license to carry a handgun issued by DPS
- U.S. military photo ID card
- U.S. citizenship certificate containing the person’s photograph
- Valid U.S. passport
With the exception of the U.S. citizenship certificate, the valid photo ID must be current or have expired no more than four years before being presented for voter qualification at the polling place.
Richardson ISD Supports Voting
- Each RISD high school has a staff member designated by the principal as the Deputy Registrar. This person is in charge of obtaining and distributing voter registration applications and materials to students and employees. The deputy registrars receive training and support from the Department of Teaching & Learning Social Studies to ensure they understand how to carry out their responsibilities effectively.
- The Deputy Registrar obtains voter registration applications and materials directly from the Secretary of State.
- Upon completing a voter registration application, students or RISD employees can deliver the form to the school’s Deputy Registrar, who will mail it to the Dallas County Elections Department, or the student can mail or deliver their application directly to the Dallas County Elections Department.
- Each high school holds three annual in-school voter registration opportunities for students and staff: one toward the end of each semester and one on National Voter Registration Day.
- September 17 is National Voter Registration Day. On this day, voter registration will be available for students and staff on high school campuses, primarily through their lunch periods.
- RISD has a strong relationship with our local League of Women Voters chapter, which participates in our voter registration events and has attended district-wide staff development events. Most recently, RLWV was present with a voter registration table & materials at our beginning-of-year event for our approximately 400 new RISD employees.
- All 12th-grade social studies classes in RISD include lessons on voter registration toward the beginning of each semester.
- Many teachers in 12th-grade classes distribute voter registration forms to every student at the beginning of their senior year.
- Pearce High School has a Student Voter Empowerment Club, a student-led organization encouraging student voting.
- March to the Polls (a nonpartisan, non-profit organization with a mission to substantially increase electoral participation in underrepresented communities) supports LHHS with volunteers who help students complete their applications and serve as Deputy Voter Registers.
- Each year, during the week that includes September 17, RISD schools honor Celebrate Freedom Week to highlight the values and ideals on which the United States was founded through the study of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
- Social Studies courses in grades 6-12 emphasize the importance of students’ ability to describe governmental and democratic processes, such as voting.
Frequently Asked Questions