School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)

What is SHAC?

SHAC – is your School Health Advisory Council. Texas law (Texas Education Code, Title 2, Subtitle F, Chapter 28, Subchapter A, §28.004) requires the establishment of a SHAC for every school district.

SHAC is a group appointed by the school district to serve at the district level. Members of the SHAC come from different areas of the community and from within the school district. The majority of members must be parents who are not employed by the district.

SHACs assist the districts in ensuring that local community values are reflected in health education instruction. Additionally, SHACs can help districts meet performance goals and alleviate financial constraints. SHACs play an important role in strengthening the connection between health and learning. They can help parents and community stakeholders reinforce the knowledge and skills children need to stay healthy for a lifetime.

2024-2025 SHAC Meetings

2023-2024 SHAC Meetings

2022-2023 SHAC Meetings

2021 – 2022 SHAC Meetings

2020-2021 SHAC Meetings

SHAC Activity and Timeline for Human Sexuality Curriculum Review

  • Dec 2021 – New rules in place for school district Student Health Advisory Councils (SHAC) regarding evaluation of human sexuality curriculum stemming from passage of HB 1525 and SB 9 in previous legislative session.
  • Feb/March 2022 – Awareness building among SHAC, health curriculum team, and counselor curriculum team regarding HB 1525 & SB 9 requirements.
  • Feb 2022 – SHAC meeting to begin review of SB 9 curriculum options.
  • June 2022 – RISD Board approves and adopts new policy per HB 1525 & SB 9 – stating that the Board must adopt a new policy designating that SHAC is the entity to consider Human Sexuality curriculum options and make a recommendation to the Board.
  • Aug 2022 – Message to RISD 5th & 6th grade parents and parents of students taking Health 1 is sent. This message is a mandatory message that informs parents that their students will be provided the opportunity to receive Human Sexuality curriculum and instruction in the upcoming year. This letter also informed them that the RISD SHAC is reviewing curriculum options for the upcoming year to arrive at a recommendation. The message also provided information related to joining SHAC, joining a parent preview committee, and receiving updates related to the upcoming curriculum review.
  • Sept 2022 – First SHAC meeting of 2022-23 – HB 1525 and SB 9 requirements discussed in detail.
  • October 2022 – SHAC videoconference meeting to discuss HB 1525 & SB 9 questions and prepare for open previews.
  • Oct / Nov 2022 – Open public preview of proposed human sexuality curriculum and SB 9 Human Trafficking information for parents and community members.
  • Nov 29, 2022 – SHAC open Reviewed all parent/community preview feedback. Voted to recommend the “Choosing the Best” curriculum and SB 9 Human Trafficking curriculum to RISD trustees for approval.
  • Dec 2022 – SHAC videoconference meeting to discuss questions regarding 5th & 6th grade curriculum and prepare for survey distribution.
  • Dec/Jan – Parent survey sent out to solicit feedback on 5th & 6th grade curriculum
  • Jan 17th, 2023 – SHAC open Reviewed all parent/community preview feedback and survey results. Voted to recommend Proctor & Gamble-produced 5th & 6th grade human sexuality videos to RISD trustees for approval.
  • Feb 16th, 2023RISD Trustees vote to approve HB 1525 Health 1 Human Sexuality Curriculum – “Choosing the Best” Curriculum; and HB 1525 5th & 6th Grade Human Sexuality Videos produced by Proctor and Gamble