March Board Meeting Summary

teaching and learning graphic

Graduate Profile

At its regular monthly meeting, the RISD Board of Trustees voted to partner with engage2learn to facilitate the development of the RISD graduate profile, which will become a foundation of the district’s upcoming strategic planning process.  

engage2learn will help the district facilitate community summits, create an online survey, and convene focus groups over the next few months as RISD moves to have defined competencies of the graduate profile by the end of the school year.

Mathematics Update

The board received an update from the RISD Teaching & Learning team regarding the core work of the district, specifically how mathematics is taught at all grade levels. The comprehensive presentation was the second of four that trustees will hear over the spring, each focusing on a different academic content area.

Ahead of the board meeting, Interim Superintendent Tabitha Branum took a deep dive into RISD classrooms with a focus on this core curriculum area as RISD works to ensure all students connect, learn, grow, and succeed. Click here to view the March Interim Superintendent’s update.

Middle of the Year MAP Update

RISD Executive Director of Accountability and Continuous Improvement Jacob Cortez told trustees that MAP data show there continues to be a need to keep the equity gaps close in kindergarten, first and second grade, which helps prevent these gaps widening over time.

In math, the equity gaps remain fairly proportional between student groups in each grade. Cortez said the results of middle of the year MAP, or Measures of Academic Progress, act as a good indicator of projected STAAR results, as they indicate where a student is likely to perform in the spring.

RISD uses MAP growth assessments as a tool for teachers to understand how students are progressing on academic skills throughout the year. The results enable teachers to make specific instructional decisions, utilize tailored academic interventions, and provide for individual goal setting with students.

Please click here to learn more about MAP.

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