Coming in 2024-25: Code of Civility

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On May 16, Superintendent Branum led a presentation to RISD trustees about resetting expectations for students and adults to create classrooms and campuses that are physically, intellectually, and emotionally safe for every person, every day.

A new Code of Civility is being prepared to encourage consistently respectful and productive interactions among students, parents, and educators.

“For the 2024-25 school year, we will be resetting and reinforcing clear and consistent expectations for appropriate behavior in all RISD classrooms, hallways, and buildings,” said Branum. “This is really a continuation of our cell phone policy conversation and how we can further ensure a campus learning environment that allows teachers to teach and students to learn. Year after year, our educator surveys consistently demonstrate that too many of our teachers believe unruly students are permitted to disrupt the classroom. We simply need to do better if we want to achieve the objective of our North Star goal of annual growth for every student, teacher and leader.”

“Students grow academically, and educators are most effective, when schools are safe places,” Branum continued. “Not just physically safe but emotionally and intellectually. Learning and teaching is hard work under ideal conditions, and we are all most productive when we’re civil and respectful of each other. There is no situation when aggressive behavior or vulgar language is acceptable at school or between educators, students and parents.

“The vast majority of RISD students and parents are productive, supportive and respectful in their school interactions, and the Code of Civility will serve to reinforce their existing behavior and choices. But for a small percentage of students and parents, repeated instances of aggressive or abusive choices can no longer be tolerated, and consequences for repeated behaviors will be made clear.”

A Code of Civility will be reviewed by trustees in August, and added to the RISD Student and Parent Guidebook, which is acknowledged by enrolled students and a parent via signature.

View the presentation and discussion about the Code of Civility and resetting expectations for a safe learning environment for 2024-25.

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