Dozen Years of Excellence in Music Education

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For the 12th consecutive year, Richardson ISD is one of the best communities for music education in the country.

“The award recognizes outstanding efforts by teachers, administrators, parents, students and community leaders who have made music education part of a well-rounded education,” according to the NAMM Foundation, which has been honoring school districts for exemplary music education for 24 years.   

RISD Executive Director of Fine Arts Jeff Bradford said this is the 14th time overall that RISD has been recognized by the NAMM Foundation.

“Richardson ISD continues to evolve and adapt to serve our students, families, and community in the arts,” Bradford said. “We are proud of our music programs and the impact they are having across our campuses. RISD’s music programs have continued to set the bar across Texas for more than 60 years. Hiring the very best educators, and giving them the tools to serve our 37,000 students will continue to be our priority. Music builds bridges, empowers our students for the future, and provides opportunities to experience excellence like nothing else. We celebrate this award collectively with our staff, students, families, and community as together, anything is possible.”

Bradford said RISD’s music educators are leaders and innovators who provide engaging opportunities for students to experience excellence throughout their PreK-12 career.

“Our teachers’ commitment to high standards and impactful music opportunities is what drives our district’s music education success.” 

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A Night With The RISD STARS

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