Student Academic Calendars Adopted

Adopted Student Academic Calendars graphic

RISD Trustees formally adopted the 2023-24 and 2024-25 student academic calendars at the January regular meeting. Based on teacher and staff feedback, a professional learning day was moved during 2023-24 winter break in Option A, which impacted the school start date by one day. Otherwise, both adopted calendars were the versions proposed for parent and staff feedback in December. Block schedule and early release dates for professional learning will be added to the calendars closer to the start of the new school years.

Original Post: At the December 8 Board meeting, RISD presented future student academic calendar options for consideration, including two proposed options for next year’s 2023-24 calendar and a proposed 2024-25 calendar.

During the calendar adoption process last year, trustees and community members requested that RISD bring forward two years of proposed calendars at a time, and the options reflect the calendar committee’s move to a biennial process.

Both options for 2023-24 are very similar to the current year calendar, as is the proposal for 2024-25. The primary difference between Option A and Option B is the placement of the second required snow make up day, which would end the school year a day sooner in Option B, while Option A would maintain the traditional scheduling of both snow make up days surrounding a weekend in the spring. As with previous calendars, the dates of early release days would not be determined until closer to the school year.

All proposed calendars comply with the variety of state requirements for school district calendars, including instructional minutes and professional learning.

RISD stakeholders can provide feedback or a preference on the 2023-24 options, or feedback on the proposed 2024-25 option, through RISD’s Let’s Talk tool. The district will share stakeholder feedback with trustees before calendars are considered for approval early next year.

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