CCMR Progress: More Than 1,200 Industry Certifications for Class of 2024


At the April 18 board meeting, trustees heard an update on the career, college, and military readiness of RISD graduates as part of new state requirements tied to outcomes-based funding mechanisms due to the HB 3 legislation.

“The goal of this presentation is to provide assurances to our students and families that when a student walks across the stage and earns a diploma that they demonstrate a level of career, college or military readiness that will set them up for future success,” Superintendent Branum said. “The substantial growth we have seen in all areas is a testament to the hard work of every one of our teachers, every one of our counselors, campus admins, and every member of our district leadership team.”

More than 86% of the Class of 2024 will graduate with a CCMR indicator. That’s up more than 20 percentage points from about 57% in 2022 and 65% last year. One of the 2027 Board Goals calls for the percent of graduates who meet the criteria for CCMR to increase to 70% by June 2027.

RISD students are taking AP classes, On Ramps college-level classes, and dual-credit classes at higher rates than prior years, according to RISD Executive Director of Advanced Learning Elizabeth Swaner. Another way the district prepares students for future success is through college-level testing, and both the number of students taking these tests and the scores are increasing.

So far this year, RISD Career & Technical Education students have earned 1,259 industry-based certifications with more than half of the testing yet to be done. That represents about 36% of this year’s seniors who have an industry-based certification, which is nearly 20 percentage points higher than last year with the goal of reaching over 50% of seniors this year. Students have tested across business, marketing, animation, digital media, and entrepreneurship with many more courses to come.

Click here to watch the presentation to the board.

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Keeping Tabs on Budget & Board

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