Trustees Hear Demographer Update; Plan for Inter-District Transfers; Budget Update


At the January 16 regular meeting, RISD trustees discussed a variety of agenda items. Major items included:

Demographic Update
Trustees received the annual update and enrollment projections from the demographic firm MGT. Overall district enrollment has declined, but at a more gradual rate than previously forecast. Overall, (excluding PK and inter-district transfers) the student population for RISD is projected to decrease by approximately 2,000 resident students over the next five years. The underlying factors causing decreasing enrollment in previous forecasts (declining birth rates, lower mobility, less new single family developments) remain largely unchanged. Watch the presentation and discussion.

Inter District Transfers
Based on previous recommendations from the RISD community budget steering committee, trustees were presented with an initial model of what a limited expansion of inter-district transfers could look like. More commonly known as open enrollment, limited expansion of inter-district transfers would allow families outside of RISD boundaries to enroll in RISD schools under specific circumstances. As previously discussed, the primary reason RISD would open boundaries in a limited way would be to utilize existing unused classroom seats to generate additional revenue under the Texas school finance system, allowing the district to operate even more efficiently.

The plan under consideration would give priority to families who live within RISD boundaries, only offer enrollment at schools that have excess capacity at specified levels, and establish clear expectations for out of district students related to attendance, discipline, and academics. The net effect of a limited expansion of inter-district transfers could contribute toward a more efficient use of existing buildings and classroom seats, helping to offset future projected enrollment decline. Superintendent Branum indicated a decision would need to be made by the March meeting in order to implement for 2025-26, even in a limited manner. Watch the presentation and discussion.

Initial 2025-26 Budget Picture
As the formal 2025-26 budget planning calendar begins, district Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Support Services David Pate provided some initial ideas of the 2025-26 budget year picture. RISD anticipates the need to address an operating deficit of approximately $10 million, which is not as sizable as previously projected due to a recent change in how the state interpreted part of the school funding formula, coupled with an enrollment decline of fewer students in the current year than initially projected. A number of current unknowns will ultimately impact the final 2025-25 budget, including:

  • Actions from the 89th Texas legislative session
  • The size of a compensation increase for RISD teachers and staff
  • Additional budget reductions across RISD divisions and departments
  • District actions related to community budget steering committee recommendations

The 2025-26 budget is expected to be adopted in June. Watch the presentation and discussion.

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RISD Fine Arts students

Fine Arts Appreciation Month

Fine Arts are an integral part of the RISD experience. March is a time to celebrate the many achievements of district Fine Arts students and staff, and also an opportunity to thank the RISD community for making such a strong commitment to the arts possible.