Concurso de Deletreo en Español

spelling bee stickers

RISD held its second annual Spanish Spelling Bee, and Angela E., a third-grader at Northlake, came out on top. Edward D., a third-grader at Lake Highlands Elementary, finished second, and they will represent RISD at the Region 10 competition on March 28.

“The Spelling Bee is a way to elevate and celebrate the rich, linguistic diversity and cultural heritage that RISD students bring to school every day,” said Carolina Armstrong, RISD Director of Bilingual Services. “Our department knows the importance of developing English proficiency, but we also know that as part of a global society, being bilingual and biliterate offers more opportunity for our students.”

RISD Trustees Debbie Rentería and Vanessa Pacheco served as judges, alongside Alejandra Isais, RISD Director of Library & Information Technology, and Gina Ortiz, Executive Director of RISD Curriculum and Instruction.

Daniela Gatlin, Bilingual Services Specialist, was the pronouncer for the Spelling Bee, which was coordinated by Lanette Massey-Stinnett, Bilingual Services Coordinator.

¡Felicidades! Congratulations! And best of luck in the next round! #RISDBelieves

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