Districtwide Student Art Showcase at Eisemann Center

Fine Arts Logo

RISD’s Visual Arts Department is proud to present the 2022-23 districtwide student art showcase in the Mezzanine Gallery of the Eisemann Center through Feb. 26. #RISDArtMatters #RISDBelieves

RISD Fine Arts Vision statement information below
RISD Fine Arts Vision: Every child deserves a safe place to learn; to be held accountable for appropriate growth and supported on their educational journey; to have an arts advocate that cares for their personal needs; to belong to a school family; to experience excellence.

We lead with excellence in instruction, excellence through consistency, excellence by being persistent, excellence through growth, excellence through performance, excellence with opportunities for every child, excellence through valuable feedback, excellence within our own personal growth.

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RISD is following the forecast of possible winter weather later this week.