The Richardson ISD Grievance Process


Richardson ISD has adopted grievance processes for the purpose of resolving employee, student/parent, and public concerns as expediently and efficiently as possible. Student/parent complaints are processed through Board Policy FNG; employee complaints are processed through Board Policy DGBA; and complaints by members of the public are processed through Board Policy GF. The Board of Trustees updated FNG (LOCAL) and DGBA (LOCAL) at the February 22, 2024 board meeting. Grievances filed under FNG (LOCAL) and DGBA (LOCAL) after February 22, 2024 will follow the new grievance procedures. Grievances are administrative proceedings and are not trial proceedings. The rules of evidence used in trial proceedings are not applicable to grievance hearings.

Concerns should be expressed as soon as possible to allow early resolution at the lowest possible administrative level. The District believes it is typically in the best interest of everyone involved to informally resolve concerns, if possible. Before filing a grievance, and pursuant to Board Policy, the District strongly encourages each individual to attempt to resolve his or her concerns with the appropriate teacher, principal, or other campus/district administrator who has the authority to address the concerns. Please keep in mind that any applicable timelines for filing a grievance are not affected by an attempt at informal resolution. Complaints that are not timely filed will be dismissed as untimely.

If an informal resolution is unsuccessful or not appropriate in a particular circumstance, the process outlined below should be used to file a grievance in RISD. Please note that RISD has assigned a Grievance Coordinator to help facilitate the grievance process. If you have any questions, please contact the Grievance Coordinator at

Grievance Steps:

Please note that the steps outlined below are an overview of the process only. Please review the applicable policy for the full details of the grievance process.
Step 1:  Determine which RISD grievance policy is applicable to your complaint, make sure your complaint is appropriately addressed by that policy and that you are familiar with all requirements of that policy:
  • If you are an employee complaining about an employment matter, Board Policy DGBA (Local) applies.
  • If you are a Richardson ISD student or a parent/guardian of a Richardson ISD student complaining about a student matter, Board Policy FNG (Local) applies.
  • If you are a member of the community (or otherwise do not fit into either of the above two categories) with a complaint related to Richardson ISD, Board Policy GF (Local) applies.
Step 2: Print and completely fill out the Grievance/Complaint form:
If you are unable to print out a form, you may request a paper copy of the form by emailing the Grievance Coordinator at

Step 3: Submit the Grievance/Complaint form to the Grievance Coordinator within 10 District business days of the date of the incident forming the basis for the complaint as follows:

  • Scan and e-mail the form to;
  • Submit the form in person to the Richardson ISD Administrative Building, 400 S. Greenville Ave., Richardson, TX 75081;
  • Mail the form to Grievances, Richardson ISD Administrative Building, 400 S. Greenville Ave., Richardson, TX 75081.

Step 4: The Grievance Coordinator will contact you to discuss the grievance and schedule a Level One hearing. At this hearing, you will have the opportunity to fully explain your concerns and submit to the Level One hearing officer any documents you think should be considered in making a determination. Please note that the individual bringing forth the grievance is responsible for providing sufficient information to support the allegations being made. The Level One hearing officer will submit a written response to the concerns within seven (7) District business days of the Level One hearing.

Step 5: If you are not satisfied with the Level One hearing officer’s decision, you may file a Level Two appeal within seven (7) District business days of the date you received the written response:

You may submit the Grievance/Complaint Form to in any of the same manners outlined at Level One above.

Step 6: The Grievance Coordinator will contact you to discuss your appeal and schedule a Level Two hearing. At this hearing, you may fully explain your concerns to the Level Two hearing officer; however, please note that you may not make any new complaints or enter any new information that was not submitted at Level One. The Level Two hearing officer will submit a written response to your concerns within seven (7) District business days of the hearing.

Step 7: If you are not satisfied with the Level Two hearing officer’s decision, you may file a Level Three appeal within seven (7) District business days of the date you received the Level Two written response:

You may submit the Grievance/Complaint Form to in any of the same manners outlined at Level One above.

Step 8: Optional Informal Mediation Meeting
Prior to scheduling the Level Three hearing, you will be given the opportunity to engage in an informal mediation meeting with the Superintendent’s designee. The informal mediation meeting is voluntary and provides the parties an opportunity to attempt a final resolution prior to the Level Three hearing. Within five (5) District business days of submitting the Grievance/Complaint Form, the Grievant shall notify the Grievance Coordinator if interested in participating in an informal mediation meeting.

The informal mediation conference will be scheduled within ten (10) District business days of the Grievant expressing interest in participating in an informal discussion. Within five (5) District business days of the meeting, the Superintendent’s designee will send follow-up correspondence to the Grievant. If the Grievant is satisfied with the outcome of the informal mediation meeting, the grievance will be closed. If the Grievant is not satisfied with the outcome of the informal mediation meeting, the Level Three hearing will be forwarded to the Office of General Counsel for scheduling.

Step 9: The Office of the General Counsel will notify the Grievant of the date when the Level Three appeal will be heard by the Board of Trustees. Level Three hearings are scheduled when a quorum of the Board is available to hear the complaint. Typically, a called board meeting will occur prior to the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. However, the complaint may be heard at a later date depending on timing and other matters before the Board. The procedures for the Level Three hearing will be provided to the Grievant and responding Administrator prior to the hearing. Once the Board has made a determination at the Level Three hearing, the RISD grievance process is concluded.

If you have questions about the RISD grievance process, please contact the Grievance Coordinator at