RISD College Readiness Continuing Success

RISD College Career and Military Readiness

District trustees heard a report of college readiness efforts at the Dec. 12 board meeting, with an emphasis on the three primary ways students access advanced content and college credits in RISD –  Dual Credit, OnRamps, and Advanced Placement (AP) classes. Highlights of the presentation and discussion included:

  • RISD partners with Dallas College to offer students opportunities to take classes that simultaneously earn credit toward high school and college.
  • Since 2021-22, more than 10,300 Dallas College seats have been used by RISD students, who earned over 23,000 college credit hours, saving families $1.7 million in college tuition.
  • RISD students also have the opportunity to take OnRamps courses in collaboration with the University of Texas at Austin.
  • Since 2021-22, more than 8,600 UT Austin InRamps seats have been occupied by RISD students, who were eligible to earn more than 13,500 college credit hours, saving families $4.5 million in tuition.
  • Through College Board, RISD students have opportunities to enroll in a wide variety of Advanced Placement (AP) courses that culminate in springtime AP exams that can earn college credit.
  • RISD students have increased the number of AP exams taken by 26% since 2022, and passing rates (the score necessary to earn college credit) have also risen over that period, saving $2.9 million in tuition for RISD families.
  • Last year, RISD students exceeded state and global passing percentages in 12 different AP courses. 
  • Richardson HS (silver), Pearce HS (silver) and Lake Highlands HS (bronze) were recently named AP Honor Roll schools based on advanced placement participation and performance from the Class of 2024. Richardson (silver), and Pearce (bronze) were repeat winners from 2023.
  • 712 RISD students have been named national AP scholars since 2022.
  • 90 RISD students were honored through the College Board National Recognition Program in 2024.
  • 10 RISD Class of 2024 students were named National Merit Semifinalists
  • RISD student scores on the PSAT significantly exceeded the state and nation across all tested grade levels (9-11)

Watch the Dec. 12 RISD College Readiness presentation and discussion

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