
For 2024-2025, all students in grades 3rd-12th will use Schoology as their learning management system.
To increase alignment with the district’s North Star Goal and our expectations for annual student growth, students in grades 3rd-12th will be utilizing Schoology, an online learning management system that allows students to collaborate, communicate, and engage in their learning. It will also serve as a tool to help monitor and support implementation of student growth goals across the district.
Schoology allows teachers to give classroom updates, organize and create lessons, distribute assignments, collect completed assignments, grade assignments with annotated feedback, and send the grades to RISD’s student information system – Focus (the official gradebook).
Schoology will allow students to demonstrate understanding and mastery in a variety of ways and provide the ability to create and store assignments and other artifacts in their student portfolio.
The Schoology parent portal will help parents stay connected, informed, and engaged even more in their student’s learning process by allowing access to a student’s classes, upcoming assignments, class announcements, and more.
As a reminder, Focus is the official gradebook of record for RISD. Focus reflects your student’s official grade. If you have questions about grades, please contact your student’s teacher.
Students will continue to have access to Google Drive and Google Tools.
Accessing your Schoology Parent Account
The first time you login to your Schoology Parent Account, you will need to create an account using an access code specific to your student(s).
At the beginning of each school year, in early September, you will receive an email with directions to connect to your student’s account. It will be sent to the parent or guardian email on file in Focus.
If you did not receive this email, have misplaced it or are new to RISD, please reach out to your student’s teacher or complete this form.
How to navigate Schoology
- Courses: Under this tab, you will view your student’s classes. Click on the individual class to access content, announcements, student work and grades.
- Materials: This is where teachers will post class content supporting instruction as well as assignments for students to complete and turn in digitally.
- Updates: This is where teachers will post announcements for their class.
- Grade Report: This provides a grading summary for digitally submitted/graded assignments. Teachers may also assign work to students that is not reflected in Schoology. Focus is the gradebook of record for all courses and final grades.
- Notifications: Parents may turn on notifications if they wish to be notified about course updates, etc.
Technical Support
If you need technical support for Schoology, please complete this form. A member of the RISD team will contact you within two business days to help further troubleshoot.
Schoology Parent Resources
Schoology Guardian Access
Schoology Upcoming & Overdue Assignments
Schoology Recently Completed Assignments
Schoology Assignment Submissions & Feedback
Frequently Asked Questions
The first time you login/create your parent account, you will need to do that from a web browser, not the phone app.
According to the Schoology Parent Guide, if you don’t already have an account on Schoology, you must sign up from a mobile browser at resources are rostered to specific students according to purchased licenses. Unfortunately, parents/guardians will not be able to login to these resources through their Schoology Parent account. These are for student and teacher access only. Please reach out to the teacher or campus principal if you would like to review a specific instructional resource.