RISD recognized more than 20 highly effective teachers with monetary stipends as part of the state’s effort to reward and retain skilled educators.
Teachers also receive a designation through the Teacher Incentive Allotment that is added to their state board of education certification for five years. The purpose of the TIA is to prioritize teaching in high-needs areas and reward high-performing teachers.
Berkner High School
- Brian Harper
Carolyn Bukhair Elementary
- Abigail Allen
- Maribel Diaz Fontanez
- Karli Hudson
- Jennifer Nesbitt
- Dana DePierro
- Sophie George
- Brittney Johnson
- Denisse Alvarado
- Alexandra Enderica
- Jennifer McAvoy
Dover Elementary
- Maria Francke-Rodriguez
Forest Lane Academy
- Emily Pupo
- Monica Behrman
- Rachel Butler
- Ranny Carpenter
- Taylor Christian
- Phyllis Walker
- Johnise Bryant
- Alex Hanner
- Abigail Shaw
Thurgood Marshall Elementary
- Tiffany Henderson
- Tiffani Kennedy
- De’Quan Browne Schmidt
- Jordan Powell
- Mitchell Hodge
RISD Academy
- Debra Devers
Richardson High School
- Bobbie Lynn Weir
Congratulations to these amazing teachers! Please click here to read more about the TIA.