Trustees Hear Middle School Transformation Update

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At the October 26 work session, RISD trustees heard an update from the committee preparing for the transition of 6th graders from elementary to middle schools, beginning in the Lake Highlands learning community next August. As part of the voter-approved Bond 2021 package, construction has been underway at Forest Meadow and Lake Highlands junior highs, as facilities are prepared for an additional grade level starting next school year. Trustees reaffirmed their commitment to expanding the middle school model to RISD’s other three learning communities as part of the next district bond package, tentatively expected to be placed before voters in 2026.

Other highlights of the presentation included:

  • The middle school transition began as a recommendation for study as part of RISD’s 2017-18 strategic planning process. In 2019-20, a grade configuration committee studied the benefits and recommended to RISD trustees in 2020 that the district begin the process of transforming junior highs to middle schools to eventually transition from a PreK-6 elementary and 7-8 junior high model to a PreK-5 elementary and 6-8 middle school model. RISD trustees adopted a resolution in 2021 formally committing to the middle school transition.
  • Construction at Forest Meadow and Lake Highlands is on schedule, and current Lake Highlands learning community 5th graders will be the first RISD students to attend middle school as 6th graders next year.
  • The Middle School Transformation Committee has been planning for the implementation, and considering all aspects of academics, extra-curriculars, student wellness and support, and operations.
  • Sixth graders will have academic, fine arts, and athletics course choices in middle school, and counselors will work with students and families in the second semester on course options and selections.
  • Both schools will host parent and student information meetings next semester for incoming 6th and 7th graders (current 5th and 6th graders).
  • Specific communications and updates are planned for current 5th and 6th grade families in Lake Highlands leading up to August, 2024.

Another presentation is expected in December to update Trustees and the community about additional progress and planning.

View the October 26 Middle School Presentation

Watch the Board presentation and discussion

Visit the Middle School Transformation website, with FAQs

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