Live Wise, Live Healthy September Focus – Together for Mental Health


Suicide Prevention and Awareness is a national focus, and RISD is dedicated to providing valuable information about risk factors, warning signs, and available support resources.

This month, RISD counselors will share with staff, students, and parents information about their role supporting student mental health and connecting families with resources. Students will receive guidance lessons on suicide prevention and how to recognize when they or their friends need help while learning the phrase “Time to A.C.T.” (Acknowledge, Care, and Tell). Junior high and high school students will receive information about supporting their mental health. Please click here for more information.

On Sept. 20, the school district will host a suicide prevention awareness workshop at Berkner High School from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Click here to register.

The workshop is sponsored by Faith Fight Finish Foundation and facilitated by The Defensive Line.

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