Is Your Student Signed Up For Bus Transportation?

school buses

If your student rides an RISD bus to or from school, please read this important message regarding student bus transportation.

RISD is beginning the sixth week of school and many parents have not yet signed their students up for bus transportation service. Schools have many students each day who attempt to get on buses before or after school who are not registered for bus transportation. It is a basic element of student safety that RISD knows which enrolled students are on a bus at a given time. This not only allows RISD to ensure there are enough buses and drivers available to transport RISD students, but also to understand which students should/should not be riding on a specific bus route in the event of an accident or emergency.

In order to provide safe and reliable transportation services for all students, parents must sign their students up for transportation services before they can be permitted onto a bus. Effective Monday, September 23, 2024, students that have not been signed up by parents and approved for transportation services based on eligibility, cannot be permitted to board a school bus for home-to-school or school-to-home services. 

This procedure will help ensure all enrolled students have a safe, efficient and reliable bus transportation experience. Parents can request transportation services by visiting the following webpage and clicking on the ‘Sign Up For Bus Transportation’ link at the top of the page. Students who qualify for transportation service will be assigned to a bus route and will be permitted to ride on that route for the 2024-25 school year.

Thank you for partnering with RISD to ensure students can be safely and efficiently transported to/from school.

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