Superintendent’s Update – August 16

Jeannie Stone

Dr. Stone updated parents and staff on August 16 with the latest information and developments related to health protocols and the start of school – Click here to watch the video. Highlights include:

  • RISD has followed the law and intends to continue following the law.
  • As the ongoing legal situation related to masks between Dallas County and the state of Texas continues, RISD will monitor and adjust RISD requirements if necessary based on the latest legal developments.
  • A separate ruling from a Travis County court Sunday evening applies to all Texas school districts and temporarily restrains the governor’s mask order, allowing each school district in Texas to legally make a local decision on masks. This ruling, at least temporarily, allows RISD to decide on its own mask policy.
  • RISD has remained in close contact with Dallas and Richardson health authorities, which are consistent in verifying that the delta variant of COVID is more contagious than the original strain from last school year, and that the delta variant impacts children to a higher degree.
  • Because of delta variant, our local healthcare system is again under strain. Of specific interest to RISD, pediatric hospitals in Dallas County have been hard hit, and there are currently no additional intensive care unit beds available in our county for children who need critical care. 
  • School has not yet begun in RISD, and 49 employees are currently positive for COVID, along with 50 students whose parents have reported are positive. The CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics have both recommended the use of masks in school environments.
  • For these reasons, and given the legal authority to do so based on the Travis County ruling, Richardson ISD will keep in place its universal mask requirement for all students, staff, and visitors over two years of age when school begins on Tuesday, August 17.
  • The RISD Blueprint is being updated this afternoon to include changes based on the most recent requirements, orders and recommendations. 
  • The deadline for parents of elementary students to choose the virtual classroom option has again been extended through Tuesday, August 17 at midnight. Elementary parents will receive an email message on August 16 with information about the steps to take to sign up for the virtual classroom option or make a change in a previous selection, if they wish. The virtual classroom option begins on Monday, August 23.
  • The situation continues to change, and RISD is doing what the law currently allows to protect students and the local healthcare system. Parents are urged not to place their children in the middle of the ongoing political and legal situations, and work within RISD’s guidelines so teachers, administrators, nurses and employees are able to effectively serve students.

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