Trustees Adopt RISD Graduate Profile

Graphic depicting graduate profile logo

To ensure the academic success of all RISD students, the graduate profile also includes learner outcomes and belief statements in addition to five key components

Richardson ISD Trustees adopted the RISD Graduate Profile at their June 6 regular meeting.  The graduate profile is a document that includes the academic, personal and interpersonal competencies that all RISD students should possess upon graduation. The district partnered with engage2learn is help facilitate community summits, create an online survey, and convene focus groups this past spring. 

The project consisted of three phases: engage, design and create with the goal of creating a vision for learning for all students in RISD.  During the engage phase, the district hosted Summits, Focus Groups, and published an online survey which resulted in over 2,500 participants. Data from the engage phase was shared with a district design team of RISD community members, parents, staff, and students who used the data to create a framework for action for the district. During the design and create phases, this team developed the profile framework including a set of beliefs, key components and learner outcomes for all students.

The adopted profile includes the following key components:

  • Financial Literacy
  • Effective Communication
  • Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Real World Connections

The profile will become the foundation for the district’s upcoming strategic planning process, scheduled to take place during the 2022-2023 school year.

Click here to watch the June 6 Board meeting.

Click here to view the Graduate Profile website.

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National AVID Day

Diana Larsen of Berkner HS and Richard Pardo of North JH are members of the first cohort of teachers in the AVID Certified Educator Program.