Campus Spotlight: RISD Students Win TRA Art Contest

tra art contest

The Trinity River Authority’s annual art contest calls on students in first through eighth grade who live in the Trinity River basin to create original artwork depicting the year’s chosen theme: Keep Litter Out Of The River. Two RISD students won first place in their respective grades. Congratulations, Camila and Madeline! #RISDBelieves #ArtMatters

Camila P. is a sixth-grader at Bowie Elementary being taught by Tracy Theodoropoulos.

student art

Madeline B. is a seventh-grader at West Junior High being taught by Savannah Flores.

student art

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Keeping Tabs on Budget & Board

The January Keeping Tabs celebrates our elected trustees and covers topics like budget planning, updated demographic projections, and the possibility of expanding inter-district transfers.