Trustees Adopt 2021 Property Tax Rate

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At the Sept. 20 board meeting, RISD trustees voted to adopt the 2021 property tax rate of $1.3909 (per $100 of appraised taxable value). This rate represents a decrease of $0.0138 (1.38 cents) from last year’s rate. It is comprised of a debt service tax rate of $0.35 and an operating tax rate of $1.0409. The debt service tax rate is unchanged from last year and did not increase as a result of community approval of Bond 2021. The operating tax rate, set by state law under the Texas school finance system, was reduced to $1.0409 from $1.0547.

For tax year 2021, 70.7% of residential accounts will pay the same or lower tax levy than the previous year, and 29.3% of residential accounts will have a tax levy increase due to a change in taxable property value.

Learn more about RISD’s Budget & Finance.

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