Every RISD campus welcomed students back to school on Monday.
Superintendent Branum shares a few reminders and expectations as RISD heads Back to School.
RISD will be hiring armed campus security officers for 34 elementary schools.
This year, more than 3,000 students received backpacks and supply kits.
The RISD refugee services program held its inaugural parent seminar to support families.
For the sixth consecutive summer, dozens of RISD students were selected to participate in a paid, eight-week internship.
The committee gathered July 25 for its initial meeting, beginning a process expected to result in recommendations to the board in December.
Beginning with the 2023-23 school year, RISD will be using a new service to anonymously report incidents of crime on district facilities.
Veronica Bullard has been named the 2023 Texas PTA Elementary Teacher of the Year.
Wednesday, July 26, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Berkner High School
Richardson ISD is implementing a new school cafeteria payment system for 2023-24, called SchoolCafe.
400 S. Greenville Ave.
Richardson, TX 75081
Phone: 469-593-0000
Email: risd@risd.org
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