COVID Update For Second Semester

Richardson Independent School District

Cases of COVID-19 have been on the rise in Dallas County, largely attributable to the highly contagious omicron variant.

The school district wants to direct your attention to several aspects of how the rising number of cases may impact school in the second semester.


RISD Health Services asks that if your child has tested positive for COVID-19 at any point over winter break or is currently experiencing any COVID symptoms, please email your campus nurse to let them know. As a reminder, RISD is offering no-cost COVID testing to asymptomatic students and staff on Mondays and Wednesdays – learn more here.


RISD Health Services will continue to closely monitor positive-case, symptom, and absentee data at each school to help inform any campus-specific decisions related to mitigation protocols. If outbreaks occur within a classroom, grade level, or school, the district will consult with Dallas County Health and Human Services – the public health authority for all RISD schools – to determine if additional protocols should be put in place to help minimize spread, including use of masks or a temporary shift to virtual instruction. 

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, DCHHS, and the local panel of physicians serving in an advisory capacity to RISD continue to strongly recommend all people over age 2 in school settings wear a face covering while indoors. As cases continue to rise, RISD strongly encourages students and staff to wear a face covering as one way to preserve in-person learning.

Families with members who are immunocompromised or have underlying health conditions are encouraged to seek guidance from a healthcare provider to ensure that the type of face covering used is as effective as possible against the omicron variant.


All people who are eligible for a vaccine and a booster are strongly encouraged to become vaccinated. People, including children, who are fully vaccinated have less chance of experiencing severe symptoms if they contract the virus, including less chance of hospitalization or death. Vaccines are widely available at no cost – visit to find a local vaccine provider.

Stay Home if Sick

As always, if your child is experiencing any symptoms of illness, please do not send them to school and let your campus nurse know. In addition to COVID, area hospitals are encountering increased cases of seasonal flu and other contagious respiratory viruses in children – keeping a child who is ill home is critical to keeping friends, classmates, and teachers healthy and learning in-person.

RISD’s pandemic operating guidelines and FAQs are included in The Blueprint, which continues to be updated as the pandemic evolves. The school district is committed to keeping parents and staff updated throughout the second semester.

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National AVID Day

Diana Larsen of Berkner HS and Richard Pardo of North JH are members of the first cohort of teachers in the AVID Certified Educator Program.