Video Message Kicks Off School Year for Teachers, Employees
The majority of RISD employees returned to work this week, including campus teachers and staff, bus drivers, child nutrition, custodians and many others who contribute to student success.
The majority of RISD employees returned to work this week, including campus teachers and staff, bus drivers, child nutrition, custodians and many others who contribute to student success.
The district is implementing a new Richardson ISD Code of Civility this school year to set expectations for how students, parents, employees, and visitors treat and interact with each other while at school or communicating about school-related activities.
Please note that each year, every volunteer must update or create a new account in VOLY.
RISD is in the process of renaming buildings being repurposed as a
A statewide initiative to promote a respect for others, control of self, and the spirit of competition in high school athletics.
Kirsten Castañeda is Chief Diversity Officer and a partner in the Dallas office of Alexander Dubose & Jefferson.
RISD Child Learning Academies serve employee children at tuition rates well below third-party providers.
The RISD Payroll & Benefits team will provide in-person assistance on Friday, Aug. 16, from noon to 5 p.m. at the ABC located at 410 S. Greenville Ave.
RISD follows UIL medical advisory board standards that limit the length of practices, mandate waiting periods between practices, and do not allow two-a-day practices on back-to-back days.
All parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to become familiar with how RISD schools approach safety and security.
West students will highlight exemplary and innovative teaching within the Texas orchestra community.
The Texas Art Education Association once again named RISD a District of Distinction.
400 S. Greenville Ave.
Richardson, TX 75081
Phone: 469-593-0000
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