Community Budget Steering Committee


The RISD Board of Trustees approved the district’s 2023-24 budget at the June 8, 2023 regular meeting. The adopted operating budget included a $14.8 million deficit that will be funded through a one-time use of the district’s fund balance. The adopted operating budget also included $14.4 million in reductions and efficiencies realized through not budgeting at full employment, central cuts, and reducing allocations to reflect decreased student enrollment. The budget included an aggressive teacher raise and staff compensation package to remain competitive in the North Texas market.  

Trustees also commissioned the creation of a community budget steering committee to assist the district with prioritizing narrowed resources for 2024-25 budget planning. The work of the steering committee will be critical in determining which steps RISD may take to reduce expenditures while increasing revenue. The committee met for six months beginning in July 2023 and arrived at recommendations presented to the RISD Board on December 14, 2023.

Learn more about the final recommendations and watch the discussion at the December 14, 2023 Board meeting.

Purpose of the Committee

The purpose of the 2023 Community Budget Steering Committee was to provide the Richardson Independent School District (Richardson ISD) Administration and Board of Trustees with financially sustainable recommendations to address the unprecedented financial challenges associated with declining revenue and increased operating costs resulting from:

  • Declining enrollment due to declining birth rates and other factors
  • Lack of legislative investment in public education, as evidenced by not increasing the basic allotment since 2019
  • 18% increase in the Consumer Price Index since March 2020
  • Pressure to increase wages to keep pace with inflation
  • Competition for educator and staff talent
  • Expiration of federal pandemic relief funds (ESSER)

Recommendations to the Richardson ISD Board of Trustees were made after analyzing enrollment projections, financial data, and other data relevant in creating a sustainable financial plan that aligns with the Board of Trustees’ True North Goal that states: “Every student, teacher, and leader will meet or exceed their academic growth goals”

Committee Members

Charge of the Committee

Alignment with Strategic Plan 2023-2028

Meeting Dates, Minutes and Resources

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Additional Resources and Information